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CSS link color - CSS link href HTML - Link without underline
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CSS link color - CSS link href HTML - Link without underline

CSS link color - CSS link href HTML - Link without underline

A link has four different value as: link, visited, active and hover. These four states of a link or hyperlink can be styled differently through CSS properties.

  • a:link — normal or unvisited links but no mouse pointer over it.
  • a:visited — user has visited that has no mouse pointer on it.
  • a:hover — a link when the user place the mouse pointer over it.
  • a:active — for a link that is in the process of being clicked.

For any link on your page, you can specify any CSS property as: color, font-family, font-size, background, etc.

CSS link color setting

The default link colors in Gecko based web browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Opera are — blue for unvisited, purple for visited and red for the active link.
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